
Financial Coaching Course Begins April 15

  Sharpen YourFinancial Coaching Skills begins April 15 in Marion. This course from Iowa State University Extension is designed forvolunteers, clergy and others working in nonprofit groups and organizations who assist their clients or members with financial management concerns. The five-week course combines two face-to-face sessions with three weeks of online learning, said Phyllis Zalenski, ISU Extension Program Specialist.

Teresa Meyer earns prestigious Silver Award

As part of her ongoing commitment to providing valued service to Farm Bureau Financial Services customers, Farm Bureau agent, Teresa Meyer CLU, ChFC, LUTCF has recently received the 2010 Silver Award. This prestigious honor recognizes Meyer's dedication to serving the community as an insurance provider. This is the 3rd time she has achieved this notable honor.


  4th Street Diner HACAP North Benton Center 202 East Fourth St Vinton, IA 52349 319-472-4761 Serving Buffet from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Monday through  Friday. A choice of salads is available on the buffet. Everyone is WELCOME! Suggested contribution for  individuals 60 years old or older, and their spouse  (regardless of age) is $2.

Calvin Rickels Joins Farmers Savings Bank

Cal Rickels joins Farmers Savings Bank & Trust. Calvin Rickels has joined the FSB staff as Vice President, announced Darlys Hulme, President of Farmers Savings Bank & Trust, Vinton. Calvin grew up on a farm near Monticello. He earned his bachelor of science degree in Agricultural Business from Iowa State University.  He comes to the FSB with over 25 years of experience at the Benton County Farm Service Agency as the County Executive Director.


  Serving Buffet from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Monday through  Friday. A choice of salads is available on the buffet. Everyone is WELCOME! Suggested contribution for  individuals 60 years old or older, and their spouse  (regardless of age) is $2.75 for the meal. Individuals  who are not yet 60 are WELCOME but need to pay $3.

Virginia Gay Hospital & Clinics Creates $9,791,431.00 Impact on Local Economy

  In Iowa, Hospitals Generate $6.1 Billion and 70,000 Jobs   Virginia Gay Hospital & Clinics generates 255 jobs that add $9,791,431.00 to Benton County economy, according to the latest study by the Iowa Hospital Association.  In addition, Virginia Gay Hospital & Clinics employees by themselves spend $1,236,920.

Windsor Manor Calendar of Events

  1st 9-10:30 Crafty Wafty-activity room 10:30 Bible Time-library 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Manicures-act room 3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 2nd 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies 10:00 Bible Study-GloriaOrcutt-all are welcome-act rm 10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-dining room 1:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm 2:00 Calling all “500” Card players to the dining room 3:30 Current Events-liv room Happy Birthday Nancy Schmitz 3rd 9:00 Phase 10 game-act rm 10:00 Reading with Ann Harrison-living room 1:00 BINGO 2-3:30 Cooks Corner-making pound cake for Friday-act rm 3:30 Walking 5:45 Coffee Chat-dining room 4th 9:00 EAST Hall ride 10:00 Residents Meeting with Allen & Allison-dn rm 1:00 WEST Hall ride 2:00 Staff Meeting-dining rm 3:00 Sing a long with Linda and Sharon-living room 5:45 Coffee Chat-dining rm National Pound Cake Day 5th9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm 10:00 Bean Bag Baseball 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Brook on the Clavinova-living room 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV Channel 12 6th 10:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm 1:00 BINGO 2:15 Stewart Memorial Church Service-living room 3:00 Movie-dining room 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room  7th 9:00 Walking 10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room 10:00 Shopping at Alco & Fareway 1:00 Chair Exercises-din rm 2:00 Horse Races-din rm 3:00 Wii Bowling-din room 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 8th 9-10:30 Stitch & Chat-activity room 10:30 Bible Time-library 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Manicures-act room 3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 9th 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies 9-11:00 OnSite Hearing with Deb Kloster-library 10:00 Bible Study-Gloria Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm 1:00 Bean Bag Baseball 2:00 “UNO” game-act rm 3:00 Calling all “500” card players to the dining room 10th 9:00 Phase 10 game-act rm 10:00 Reading with AnnHarrison-living room 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Wii Bowling-din room 3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room Happy Birthday Maxine Raitt 11th 9:00 WEST Hall ride 10:00 Sing a long with Linda and Sharon-living room 1:00 EAST Hall ride 2:00 Wheel of Fortune-din rm 3:00 Chair Exercises-din rm 4:30 Music with Judy Mehlert-dining room 12th 9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm 10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-din room 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Brook on the Clavinova Brook’s last day :( 3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV 13th 9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm 9:30 Wii Bowling-din rm 10:30 Current Events-liv rm 1:00 BINGO 2:15 Wesley United Methodist Church Service-living room 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 14th 9:00 Walking 10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room 10:00 Shopping in Vinton 12:45 Bean Bag Baseball 2:00 Music with Duwayne Aarhus-dining room 3:00 Horse Races-din room 6:30 Jackson Better Farmers 4H Group Meeting-din room 15th 9-10:30 Stitch & Chat-activity room 10:30 Bible Time-library 1:00 BINGO 2:00 Manicures-act room 3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm 5:45 Coffee Chat-din room   16th 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies 10:00 Bible Study-Gloria Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm 10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-din room 10:45 Communion with Pastor Ron Sumption-living room 1:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm 1:30 Parkinsons Support Group-Speaker: Dr.

Windsor Manor Newsletter

This month's newsletter from Windsor Manor!   Ed's note: A great place, stop out and check it out!

Benton County Early Childhood Area Services

  The Benton County Early Childhood Area offers services and referrals to families throughout the county with children ages 0-5. The focus of the organization is to ensure that children enter school happy, healthy and ready to learn. As we will be continually updating our site content and links to other pages, we encourage your feedback so we can include the types of information and links that would be most useful to you.

Homegrown Lifestyle Program, Registration Starting

Homegrown Lifestyle Flyer Application