
VSCSD December Newsletter

Click to view the Vinton-Shellsburge Community Newsletter

Holiday with a Cop goes beyond the Vinton City Limits

Police officers from the County helped to make the night of several children from the county The Vinton Police Department asked for the community's help to raise money for their 2nd Annual Holiday With A Cop event. The goal was to raise $110 for each child that will be participating. The Vinton Police Department decided to serve the community at Pizza Ranch, accepting donations and earning 7% of the sales from the evening. And the town showed up.

Area Business continues Christmas Tradition

Arnold Motor Supply will be delivering toys to Santa courtesy of area residents who contributed Arnold Motor Supply will load up the sleigh once again and deliver some toys for Santa to deliver this year.As they do every Christmas, the business collects gifts under their Christmas tree and then makes a delivery to area folks that will be handing them out to families in need this year. The company will be delivering them tomorrow, so if y

5th Grade LEGO League teams advance to State

V-S 5th Grade Lego Teams will advance to the state competetion The Vinton Shellsburg 5th Grade Lego Teams represented themselves well at the First LEGO League competition on Saturday. Both 5th-grade teams will move on to the State level competition. “Play Well”  The Danish translation of that phrase is “leg godt.” The first two letters of those two Danish words have kept Vinton-Shellsburg 5th through 8th-grade students busy working, learning and playing well – and together – for much of this school year.

Benton County Jail recognized as the Best of the Best

The Benton County Jail is the place that you want to go...if you have to go to jail.The Iowa State Sheriffs and Deputies Association recognized Benton County Jail as "Best of the Best" in 2019. In their statement, they said the following concerning the jail."2019 is the second year the “Best of the Best” jail award has been presented. To be considered for the award, several things are taken into consideration.

The Lions Club Donates to Eastern Iowa Honor Flight

The VINTON Lions Club donated to the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight program Every November, with the assistance of local Boy Scout troop 47, the fire department and Fareway the Lions Club has a chili supper on the same evening as the Holiday Parade that kicks off the Christmas season in Vinton.The club raised $4,000 that was donated to support the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight.The Honor Flight Network is a national network that is comprised of 140 “hubs”, one of which is the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight.

Conflict of Interest and Gender Balance face the City Council

These two topics came to a head in both choosing the next Council Member for the City Council 2nd Ward Seat and in the appointment of a VMEU/VMCU (Vinton Municipal Electric Utilities/Communication Utilities) board member. As Ron Elwick stepped down from his position in the 2nd Ward, and there were no candidates for the 2nd Ward seat. At the last council mtg.

Christmas Dinner at the Presbyterian Church

For those that need a place to enjoy a Christmas Dinner on Christmas day, feel free to stop in at the Presbyterian Church at noon!The event is free and open to the public!

Angel Tree Deadline Monday, Several Tags Remain

US Bank and Farmers Bank house Angel Trees in their buildings which contain tags listing the needs of area children. There are still several tags on the trees. The deadline for the gifts will be this coming Monday. The tags include the descriptions of necessary items for children. Please be sure to make a trip to the bank to choose a few tags


Get DOUBLE PUNCHES on your ‘holiday lights’ punch card this weekend!Friday, December 13 thru Sunday, December 15.It is the PERFECT opportunity to wrap up your holiday shopping in Vinton!Each week we will continue to draw a winner from the full cards we have collected. All of the full cards will be entered into the grand prize drawing valued well over $500 to be held at the completion of the promotion.