The lesson of Curlyweed and the Butterfly Ball
Almost every day, I confront the painful reality that I am a city boy trying to pretend I am something else.
I love living in the country; I just wish I knew what it was doing.
From the exasperating and embarrassing mistakes like getting stuck in the mud in my own driveway to the memorable attempts to remove weeds with matches, I realize too many times that I am living in a world that is foreign and unfamiliar, even though I have lived in Iowa all of my life.
What a grandpa should always know...and what he should always say
I feel perfectly safe in small town Iowa-- safe enough to take my young granddaughters virtually anywhere in the Vinton area.
I don't mind letting the girls walk on their own when I take them out in public, although we have very strict rules about streets.
I feel comfortable taking the girls to the store, or the park, and letting them wander, as long as they are within sight and not more than a few steps away.
In spite of ourselves...
Warning: This column is long and sappy :)
This past few weeks at the Close home, have been borderline crazy. We've gone through loss, celebration, and realized the overall, life is good.
It all started on a Sunday morning with a phone call from our eldest daughter, who was miscarrying our third grandbaby. At the time I was talking to her, I was also playing the piano for our church service and could feel my mind splitting into the multifunction ability that mothers develop over the years.
Pastor's Blog - A Biography of the Prophet Jonah
Everyone loves stories. And, everyone loves true stories even better- they help us relate to the story and give us confidence identifying with the main character because we know it’s true. One of the best true stories is told by the prophet Jonah, son of Amittai.
The very best reason to understand the book of Jonah is that it’s Scripture, God’s breathed-out, self-revelation, and thus includes specific lessons He intended for our learning (see 2 Timothy 3:16.
Letter to the Editor: Candidates should put party affiliation on campaign signs
I have watched in amazement both parties campaign ads and yard signs. Since there are a number of candidates for the Primary on June 3, I have to wonder who has been advising these candidates. The voter can only vote for candidates on one party. I know that having your name associated with a political party is considered taboo by many.
Two words for the Class of 2012: Then What?
Every year, high school and college graduates gather in a big stuffy room, wearing silly-looking outfits, hear the same once-inspiring but now worn-out songs, and listen to a somewhat notable person try to offer encouraging -- but original -- words about their future.
Every year, we writers and columnists share similar advice. A lot of that advice is good, even if most of it consists of clichés we hear every single year.
Why Americans need to take time to remember on Memorial Day
This coming Monday is Memorial Day. Memorial Day observances are considered to have formally begun in 1868, with the Grand Army of the Republic’s decree that the graves of Union servicemen who had died during the War of the Rebellion were to be decorated on 30 May, which was to be known as “Decoration Day”.
I am descended from soldiers and sailors who have served in the United States military since the War of 1812.
Letter to the Editor - Support Ben Lange for U.S. Congress
This year Iowans in the 1st Congressional District have the chance to send Bruce Braley home. Bruce Braley has not listened to his constituents and has continued to vote for bills that only serve to send our country deeper into debt. Some of the bills Braley has supported include Obamacare, cap and trade, and bailouts for large corporations using taxpayer money.
Speaking in favor of Rod Blum for Congress
To the Editor:
The First District of Iowa has the distinction of having two solid, committed and well versed candidates vying for the top spot on the Republican ticket for this fall’s election. That selection will be made during the primary to be conducted on June 5th. Given the quality of our Republican candidates, I thought I would share my reason making Rod my choice.
The legend of the accursed camera
I do not believe I am superstitious.
I do not think that what I do in any particular area of life has an impact on any other area.
I ignore Friday the 13th. I like black cats. I have walked under too many ladders and broken too many mirrors to worry about a lifetime of bad luck.
But still, I don't think it's superstitious if at times, you decide that certain events that seem unrelated to what you are doing are sending you a message.