
Special Election Results - Benton CSD Physical Plant and Equipment Question

SHALL THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC MEASURE BE ADOPTED? Shall the Board of Directors of the Benton Community School District in the Counties of Benton, Iowa, and Tama, State of Iowa, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years, to levy annually, as determined by the Board, a voter approved physical plant and equipment property tax not to exceed one dollar thirty-four cents ($1.

Vinton-Shellsburg CSD awarded Child Care Business Incentive Grant

The Vinton-Shellsburg Community School district released the following statement concerning a grant received from the State of Iowa. "It is with great excitement to announce our school district is the recipient of a 1.5 million dollar grant from Future Ready Iowa - Workforce Development!The grant will be used to build a “Tiny Vikes Early Learning Center” adding preschool classrooms and classroom space for wrap around child care.

Benton County Board of Supervisor Minutes 9/6/22

September 6, 2022The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Seeman, Primmer and Bierschenk present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the conference room at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public were provided the zoom access capability to join in during open session and livestream at https://www.

Auditor Rippel encourages Iowans to participate in National Voter Registration

Benton County Auditor Hayley Rippel and Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate are encouraging Iowans to celebrate National Voter Registration Month in September by registering to vote. Iowans who are already registered are urged to ensure their information is current. Tuesday, September 20 is National Voter Registration Day.The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) established September as National Voter Registration Month in 2002 as a non-partisan means of encouraging voter participation and increasing awareness about state requirements and deadlines for voting.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING September 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING September 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Benton County Service Center Conference Room 811 D Ave. Vinton, IA ** Agenda is not printed in any particular order; only time-specific items will be addressed at certain times 1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes 3. 9:02 A.M. Barb Greenlee RE: Set land use hearing for Colton Kinzenbaw apart of the SE , of the NW , of Sect.

Deadline Approaching for Grassley Nominations to U.S. Service Academies

Every year, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) nominates 10 young Iowans to each of the U.S. service academies, including the Military Academy at West Point, the Air Force Academy, the Naval Academy and the Merchant Marine Academy. Grassley encourages Iowa students to consider applying to all five of the U.S. service academies, since each one has different qualifications.

City of Shellsburg Council Minutes 08-16-22

8-16-22 a regular meeting of the Shellsburg City Council was called to order by Mayor Speckner at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers. Roll Call was answered by Thorkildson, Travis, Vogt, Reeves, and Harvey. Harvey motioned to approve the amended consent agenda, second by Reeves. All ayes. Mayor Speckner opened the public hearing on the Smith Street Bridge specs and drawings.


CITY OF VINTONCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDA – SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 -- 7:00 PM or 1-309-205-3325 or 1-312-626-6799Webinar ID: 858 1025 72301. Call to order and roll call2. Pledge of Allegiance3. Approve agenda4. Consent Agendaa. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of August 25, 2022b. Receive & file Airport meeting minutes of August 17, 2022c.

Benton County Board of Supervisor Minutes August 30, 2022

August 30, 2022The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Seeman, Primmer and Bierschenk present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the conference room at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public were provided the zoom access capability to join in during open session and livestream at https://www.

Vinton-Shellsburg September Newsletter