
Benton County Republicans meeting set for August 9 at 7:00 p.m.

Benton County Republicans will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 9th, at 7 p.m.  We will meet at the Van Horne Community Center, located at 508 1st Ave, Van Horne, Iowa.  Please plan to join us as we finalize the details for our fall fundraiser dinner and make plans for getting out the vote.  All Benton County Republicans are welcome to attend.

Iowa State Director for the Humane Society addresses Supervisors on Pit Bull law

Preston Moore, the Iowa State Director for the Humane Society of the United States, visited the Benton County Supervisor's meeting on Tuesday morning. This isn't the first time that he has been in Vinton on an animal case. He was working for the Cedar Valley Humane Society in 2018 when he was called about the more than 700 animals found in the Galkowski house.

Vinton Police Department Log for Week of July 25-31, 2022

All Charges are subject to review by the Benton County Attorney’s Office. An arrest or criminalcharge is merely an accusation, and the Defendant is presumed innocent, unless proven guilty. Intrastate Warrants are issued by Law Enforcement Agencies for crimes happening in their jurisdictions.Three Adult Arrests the week of July 25-31, 2022.July 26 Nickolas Ian Halley 18 Vinton, IAViolation of No Contact OrderJuly 26 Joshua Reede Doty 39 Vinton, IAIntrastate Warrant Arrest-Failure to Appear Traffic OffenseJuly 29 Ralph Miles Price 51 Vinton, IAIntrastate Warrant Arrest-Contempt of Court-Debt ExamZero Juvenile Referrals the week of July 25-31, 2022.

Governor Reynolds announces new statewide broadband map, requests public input

Today, Governor Reynolds and the Department of Management Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) announced the release of a new broadband map of Iowa, reporting the conditions of broadband availability in accordance with federal grant guidelines at over 1 million locations throughout the state. The public can view the map here. The new map provides a more detailed view than prior maps, identifying the broadband service available at homes and businesses across Iowa as reported by broadband providers.

Benton County Vendor Publication Report 07/13/2022 - 07/26/22

Benton County Board of Supervisors Minutes 7/26/22

July 26, 2022The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Seeman, Primmer and Bierschenk present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the conference room at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public were provided the zoom access capability to join in during open session and livestream at https://www.

Shellsburg considers Inpatient Substance Use Treatment Center

According to a Facebook post by the City of Shellsburg, a public hearing is set for 6:30 p..m. on August 4th at the Legion Hall. The Board of Adjustment will be considering a “Conditional Use Request” to operate an inpatient substance use disorder treatment facility as an “assisted living facility” within the City’s R-2 High-Density Single Family Residential District.

Candidate for Iowa Attorney General Bird at Republican Fundraiser August 24

The Benton County Republicans are hosting their annual fundraiser on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022, at the Community Center in Van Horne.  Doors open at 5:30 with dinner beginning at 6 p.m.  We are excited to welcome the Republican candidate for Iowa Attorney General, Brenna Bird, as our special guest and featured speaker.The cost is $25/single, $40/couple, and $50 family.

Cracking down on abuse of older Iowans

Iowa was one of the few states that did not impose criminal penalties for elder abuse. That changed this year with a new bipartisan law.Elder abuse is physical or emotional abuse, neglect, isolation or sexual exploitation of an older person. Iowa has seen a sharp increase in the abuse of dependent, older Iowans in recent years. Making those who abuse our elders criminally liable will better protect them.

City of Shellsburg Council Minutes 07-19-22

On 7-19-22 a regular meeting of the Shellsburg City Council was called to order by Mayor Speckner at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers. Roll call was answered by Vogt, Reeves, Harvey, Thorkildson, and Travis. Vogt motioned to approve the consent agenda, second by Harvey. All ayes. Jake Roetman gave the Rec Dept report for the 2022 season. They discussed with the council amending the ordinance to have a fall meeting for the budget and an end of season report instead of monthly reports.