
Sec. of Ag Welcomes Nominations for Local Food & Farm Program Advisory Council

Nominations must be submitted by October 15Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig today welcomed Iowans and interested organizations to nominate qualified individuals to serve on the Local Food and Farm Program Advisory Council. The Council exists to support and advise statewide efforts to increase the availability of locally grown, raised, and produced foods.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING September 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING September 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Benton County Service Center Conference Room 811 D Ave. Vinton, IA ** Agenda is not printed in any particular order; only time specific items will be addressed at certain times 1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes 3. 9:05 a.m. Canvass of Special Benton Community School Election 4.

VSCSD School Board Agenda 09/19/2022 - 06:00 PM Tilford Library

AGENDA1. Call to Order2. Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance3. Receive Visitors / Public Comments4. Administrator Reports5. Superintendent Reports6. Board Reports / Requests7. General Business of the BoardA. Consent Items1. Agenda & Minutes2. Claims3. Financials & Transfers4. Contracts5. Personnel6. Open Enrollment Requests7. Disposals8. FundraisingB.

Vinton Police Department Log for Week of September 5-11, 2022

Vinton Police Department Log for Week of September 5-11, 2022All Charges are subject to review by the Benton County Attorney’s Office. An arrest or criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the Defendant is presumed innocent, unless proven guilty. Intrastate Warrants are issued by Law Enforcement Agencies for crimes happening in their jurisdictions.

Vinton Police Department Log for Week of August 29-September 4, 2022

All Charges are subject to review by the Benton County Attorney’s Office. An arrest or criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the Defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Intrastate Warrants are issued by Law Enforcement Agencies for crimes happening in their jurisdictions.Zero Adult Arrest the week of August 29-September 4, 2022Zero Juvenile Referrals the week of August 29-September 4, 2022Six Code Enforcement ViolationsGrass x 2,Vehicle x 1 Parking Violation x 1Barking Dog x 1Working Without Building Permit x 1 Twelve Traffic Citations for Offenses were issued the week of August 29-September 4, 2022Sixty-One Traffic Warnings for Offenses were issued the week of August 29-September 4, 2022One Reported Motor Vehicle Accidents for the week of August 29-September 4, 2022For the Week of August 29 -September 4, 2022– 135 complaints/calls for service were handled by the Vinton Police Department.

Benton County Auditor named to bipartisan Advisory Group

 Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and his bipartisan Auditors Advisory Group are uniting to dispel election misinformation and disinformation ahead of the 2022 general election. There has been a recent increase in the spread of false claims regarding elections in our state, despite there being no evidence of intrusions into Iowa’s election systems.

City of Shellsburg Council Minutes 09-6-22

City of Shellsburg Council Minutes 09-6-229-06-2022 a regular meeting of the Shellsburg City Council was called to order by Mayor Speckner at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers. Roll Call was answered by Travis, Vogt, Reeves, Harvey, and Thorkildson. Travis added a change to the 8-16-22 minutes, her vote on Resolution #08-16-2022A, Authorizing the City of Shellsburg to participate in the Rural Housing Readiness Assessment was nay.


NOTICE OF POST-ELECTION AUDITPursuant to Code of Iowa Sec. 50.51, the Secretary of State’s Office has ordered a post-election audit of the September 13, 2022, Special Benton Community School District Election for the Big Grove-Union Van Horne, precinct.The Benton County Auditor’s Office will conduct this audit on Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 3:00 p.

BSWCD offering financial incentive funds for use on private land

The Benton Soil & Water Conservation District has financial incentive funds available for us on privately owned land used for agricultural production. These State Cost Share funds can be used for structural (grassed waterways, terraces, grade stabilization structures, etc.) as well as management practices (no-till, contouring, contour strips, cover crops, etc.

County Recorder Speidel earns Recertification

Benton County Recorder Lexa S. Speidel was recently honored for completing the Iowa County Recorders Association’s Certification program, earning her continued status as an Iowa Certified County Recorder.The graduation event occurred in conjunction with the Iowa State Association of County’s Annual Conference on August 23-25. Fifty-five County Recorders received certificates of completion in the program this year.