DARRELL STATON, CORRESPONDENT - November 17th, 2022 9:03 am
The 2022-23 Iowa high school girls' basketball season opened practice last week, with competition beginning this week. Benton, Center Point-Urbana, and Vinton-Shellsburg girls’ basketball teams are in the preseason Cedar Rapids Gazette’s rankings.V/S opens the regular season this week away at Grinnell on November 17th at 7:30 p.m. Next week Center Point Urbana will open their regular season away with Marion on November 22nd and Benton Community opens its regular season away on November 26th at CPU.
FFA - November 9th, 2022 3:37 pm

Benton County Undivided: Winter Games will be held December 6th at the Vinton-Shellsburg Middle School. We will put school rivalries to the side, and unite students served by Special Education programs throughout Benton County. The goal of this event is to highlight our similarities rather than our differences! The winter games are open to any student pre-school through 12th grade served by a special education program in Benton County.
VINTON SHELLSBURG VOYAGERS - November 9th, 2022 12:45 pm

The VS Voyager Dance team is selling apparel to raise money for team expenses. The online store will close on November 17th. Thank you for your support!The Vinton Shellsburg Voyager Dance Apparel Store is open until Thursday, November 17th. This is a limited fundraiser. Once store is closed and apparel is delivered the extra profits from the store will be donated back to the Voyager Dance Team.
VALERIE CLOSE, EDITOR - November 5th, 2022 9:17 pm

It all started when Jakob Becker was about four years old. His older sister Anna was in a bowling league and he had nothing to do on those Saturday mornings. Seeing the young Becker needed something to do, Steve Berry, would let him roll a ball down an empty lane while he waited. Just about a year ago, on November 20, 2021, Becker who was only 13 had bowled 7 games that day during a tournament.
IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE - November 3rd, 2022 1:45 am

Where: Izaak Walton Red Cedar Chapter 2 miles north of Vinton, Iowa on HWY 150What: Black powder muzzleloader fun shoot and Can DriveBest 3 round group at 50yards andBest 3 round group at 100yardsWhen: Nov. 12, 2022 @10amEntry fee is 2 nonperishable food items for the Vinton food bankLunch provide onsite for $5Hog raffle drawing @2pmPlease join us for a Black powder fun shoot.
LIL RACER CAR CLUB - October 28th, 2022 12:47 pm
Too often young racing fans are seen covering their ears while crying, due to the noise, or shielding their eyes from flying dirt or dust. A special fund is being set up to expand the types and number of products offered at the tracks the Lil Racer Car Club serves to help combat these problems that the kids face. The club is actively seeking friends to sponsor the “It's ALL About the Kids in 2023!” Hearing and Sight Protection Program.
VS CPU GIRLS SWIM TEAM - October 24th, 2022 7:09 pm

VS home swim meet (10/20): no official times/scores, as the meet was considered a scrimmage with Williamsburg. VS athletes drew their events out of a hat a week in advance - giving the girls a chance to swim atypical events. Williamsburg athletes had their line-up decided by their team captains. The meet was topped off by a friendly, mixed-team pumpkin relay.
VINTON TODAY - October 21st, 2022 1:22 am

Nathan's Smiles 2nd Annual 5K Glow Fun Run will be held on Saturday, October 22. Last year the run brought in $6,000 which was used for trail improvement and scholarships for Vinton-Shellsburg seniors.We are proud to announce the 2nd Annual Nathan's Miles Glow Fun Run 5K!!! This is a great, affordable family event. Last year there were over 200 participants and Nathan's Miles Foundation was able to give a $2,000 scholarship to a graduating senior from Vinton-Shellsburg through registrations and generous donations!There will be a Kids Glow Run at 6:15 p.
VS CPU GIRLS SWIM TEAM - October 16th, 2022 10:36 pm
Mac Goodell cut 7 seconds in her 500 Freestyle, Lizzy Stillions cut 3 seconds for a personal best in her 100 Freestyle. Justyce Dominick, Tori Elwick and Carleigh Wilson also cut time in their individual events. Our final home meet (Senior Night) is this Thursday, October 20 at the Braille School Pool against Williamsburg - competition starts at 4:30 pm.
VS CPU GIRLS SWIM TEAM - October 11th, 2022 11:59 pm

5 teams at Williamsburg last night - VS, Oskaloosa, Tipton, Centerville & Williamsburg. VS was short 2 swimmers but the remaining 8 managed to come away with 3rd place, narrowly missing 2nd place to Oskaloosa (whom we beat 5 days ago when we were at full strength). 4 individual first place finishes were earned by Olivia Schminke, Justyce Dominick, and Carleigh Wilson - who also teamed up with Tori Elwick and Lauren Moore to bring home 2 more relay first places.