Final chance to see VSHS Seniors perform, Tuesday, May 16, 7 pm
CONGRATULATIONS to the VSHS Bands and Choirs for great performances at State Large Group Contest.Treble Choir - Division II "Excellent"Concert Choir - Division I "Superior"Symphonic Band - Division I "Superior"Come see our final home performance of the year and help us recognize our seniors and other award recipients on Tuesday, May 16 at 7 pm in the VSHS Auditorium.
Documentary about the Horridge House to Premiere in Vinton

Matchsellers to perform at Farmers Mercantile May 7th

Field of Dreams comes to the Palace Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

May 7th - “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”...And a Piano, Too, at CP Museum
The Center Point Historical Society theme this year is “Time Travel: Planes, Trains and Automobiles.” But the season opens on Sunday, May 7, with a birthday party for a piano. Warfield, the player piano, is 100 years old this year.There will be cake and, of course, piano music, provided by Vicki Harger, longtime First Christian Church organist, and by Warfield himself pumped up by his friends, old and young.
Tilford Elementary Fine Arts Nights schedule
Tilford Elementary Fine Arts Nights celebrations will begin this week. The AKA through 4th grade students have been working on their artwork and music to share with you. Concert performances will be at 6:30 and 7:15 each evening in the auditorium. Student artwork will be on display in the lunchroom.Join us to celebrate with our Tilford Elementary students.
Mary Poppins coming to the Palace in August

Belle Plaine performance of Park It scheduled for May 6
Belle Plaine is buckling up for the premier of, "Park It!" the play. The production will be at the Belle Plaine Longfellow Auditorium, May 6 at 2:00 pm. The intergenerational cast includes Belle Plaine students and several area adults. The comedy is set in 1965 and is based on stories that former area students and educators contributed to the book, "Park It!" The collection of humorous, but sometimes hair-raising, anecdotes covers 30 years in the drivers education car with former Belle Plaine teacher Wallace Winkie.
Vinton Community Choir to perform Sunday, April 16

The Savage Heart Trio in Garrison Sunday, April 16th!